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Month: January 2014
4th Trimester Bodies
4th Trimester Bodies
Pregnancy is without a doubt life-changing and body-changing… No pregnancy is the same (learning this time around for sure!).
I could go on… but I think you get the picture!
Super Bowl Sunday – Corned Beef and Cabbage
Growing up, a tradition in our family on Super Bowl Sunday was to have Corned Beef and Cabbage from Mr. Fofo’s in Detroit.
We weren’t necessarily a sports family, we watched the game, attempting to follow along and enjoying the half-time show.
I’ve never attempted to make it, but just the thought of it with yellow mustard makes my mouth water! I think a trip to Katz’s Deli is in my future!
Impromptu Dinner… and Dessert!
Thursday was crazy and I didn’t post a thing (but I have a good excuse), – so you got 2 yesterday and 2 today… (maybe 2 a day now always… We’ll see)!
- 6 tablespoons butter
1 cup self-rising flour
3/4 cup white sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup milk
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (I used almond extract)
1 cup white sugar
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 cups boiling water
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Melt butter in an 8×8 inch baking dish while the oven preheats.
- In a medium bowl, stir together the flour, 3/4 cup sugar, and 1 1/2 tablespoons cocoa. Stir in milk and vanilla until smooth. Spoon this batter over the melted butter in the baking dish.
- Stir together the remaining cup of sugar and 1/4 cup cocoa powder. Sprinkle over the batter. Slowly pour boiling water over the top of the mixture.
- Bake for 30 minutes in the preheated oven, until set. Serve slightly warm with ice cream.
What is your MOM Salary?
What is your MOM SALARY?

After all the talk yesterday about wages for women and working rights for mothers in President Obama’s State of the Union Address, I thought it was only fitting for the Mothers out there to find out their mom salary.
Whether a Stay at Home Mom or a Working Mother, what is your job worth in dollars (we know what’s it’s worth to your children)?
No employer could of course give you the same kind of satisfaction that our children do, but it is fun to see all the things a mother (or father) does and what the salary would be!
Check it out Here and share your salaries below!

Who has a right to the American Dream?…
Who has a right to the American Dream?
There is much talk during this current series of Downton Abbey of going to America to build a better life. Tom mentions it, thinking he will feel less like an outsider in a country full of people starting over and Daisy even has the chance, but chooses not to. America is described as a place where dreams are made and where one can start over, with or even without the right resources.
That dream however, seems to be a true dream for some and much less of a reality for others. We are a country that in our inception was built by enslaved peoples and run by immigrants. I say this, not to be funny or shocking. It is just a fact. I am not here to debate that. But how hard has the dream of the new world been for some to achieve, and how easy for others?
Many times our dreams are pushed to the side due to everyday responsibilities. My dream for example, of being a playwright – not impossible, but not something that happens everyday. In my opinion, there are many things I did not sacrifice before getting married and having a baby that would have made it a little easier for me now. I worked a lot, trying to make ends meet instead of working less, living with roommates longer and writing more. I was under the impression I would be able to do it all… at any stage of my life.
With student loans aggressively seeking repayment, I find myself a young black woman with 2 Masters degrees, lots of debt, a husband, daughter and baby on the way (and in that order).
I had a wonderful job, in the theatre, but not as a playwright. It’s just not part of this field. One doesn’t exactly “get a job as a playwright” or “get a job as a director”. I should know – I chose it. I knew what I was getting into, but when it actually happens and you are not as successful or exactly where you thought you might be. It’s… humbling to say the least. Trust me, I have re-thought my career choice multiple times, why didn’t I stick with Science and become a Doctor… or why didn’t I stick with Psychology? Drama Therapy is a nice career that would have allowed me to stay in the theatre.
Coulda Woulda Shoulda…
I, like many Americans currently considered Middle Class, came from hard-working families that could be considered part of the American Dream, at least in our childhood. I’d traveled a great deal before I even went to Kindergarten. My parents worked hard, but working hard these days seems to be a continuing uphill battle.
Now we work hard and play Russian roulette to make the simplest of needs met. It’s pretty outrageous when I think about it, but it’s real life. Not a Fairytale and definitely NOT a dream.
After reading, it made me think that the dreams of the Middle Class don’t matter… if they do, then they have certainly been forgotten.
No one decides that they want to struggle to make ends meet and not give their children the life they deserve. No one wakes up and decides that. These men and women are working hard and it seems like hard is not enough, wage wise.
It’s not the same as it once was, which means Tom Branson would likely not decide to leave the comforts of the Crawley estate.