School’s Out for Summer… And Camp Garlia is in!

On Friday, my 4year old “graduated” from Pre-school, and as this is our first summer as Westchester residents, I have decided to really give the county a chance.  That and the $400-$500 a week for day camps is currently not in the budget.

So what is better than “Camp Mommy” as my friend, Alissa calls it.  We’ll call this “Camp Garlia”.

One of the first publications I picked up when we moved here was both a  “Westchester Parent” and a “Westchester Family
There was even a copy of each in my daughter’s backpack from school.  So this summer I will truly take them up on their bucket lists adding my own finds around the county.
Many of the events and activities are in the city and we have some serious museum mileage to make, so I’m looking forward this exciting adventure and hope I can figure out a few camps in between “Camp Garlia”, so I can get a little more done. If not, as always I’ll figure it out because as my friend, Rosalind says, I’m “scrappy”!  
What are your summer plans?  Do you find camps to be overpriced or about right?  Are you doing your own “Camp Mommy”?

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