April 1: Weekly Inspiration: “Is anybody listening ?”

The shuttle from Grand Central to Times Square is almost always featuring at least one singer songwriter asking for a few dollars and sharing their gifts. It’s always hit or miss, but if I get a chance and like one or two, they’ll end up in that day’s Instagram story.

This is not to mention the performers within the subway itself.  

A trip last week to the Festival I had a hand in producing in Manhattan was almost musician free when a thin-framed man with Michael Jackson-esque sequined pants hopped on with a piece of paper folded in quarters, printing on one-side and scribbled notes on the other. His wardrobe was black and white and more worn than dirty. It’s rare that I can get a good look at the performers this way, but that day was different.

Weekly Inspirations are part of gifts I give to my patrons at every level.  This is the most basic gift that all patrons receive.

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